Can you actually work out in a swim spa?

Life is so fast paced today that it can be difficult to find the time to do the things that really make a difference to how we feel. Being fit and healthy, strong, mobile and able to move through life with physical ease can make a big difference to how we experience life on a daily basis. If you have a swim spa then you may have thought that swimming was the only way to use it - but it’s also a great resource for working out - here’s how.


  • A cardio workout. Any swim spa will have both massage jets and water jets that create a current. If you’re looking for a cardio workout then you can use the water jets to provide the resistance to get a really thorough full body session. Opt for traditional swimming against the current or try a jog instead. This is a particularly good way to get your cardio if you find that you’re in need of a low impact option.
  • Yoga and pilates. These types of exercise offer the opportunity to improve flexibility and mobility and also to build strength, not just in your core but all over your body. One of the simplest ways to work your core in a swim spa is to stand against the jets and resist the water pressure. The buoyancy of the water can also be a great way to get more from your yoga moves - and the warmth of the water enhances flexibility too.
  • Resistance workouts. If you have a resistance band then you can use this very effectively in a swim spa to work out. Increase the intensity of your session by turning the swim jets on to create more instability and resistance for your body to work against. Even without a resistance band you’ll get a great resistance workout thanks to the way that the water makes everything, from lunges to leg lifts, slightly harder.
  • Use the swim spa to optimise performance. Being in warm water and using the massage jets is something that many of us are familiar with when it comes to processing the after effects of a workout. There are lots of great benefits to doing this and it can actually enhance your workout performance next time round if you take the time to do this kind of conditioning work. The massage and hydrotherapy effect of a swim spa will stimulate blood flow to encourage muscle recovery and also help you to relax.
  • Weight loss workouts. Low impact exercise can hold the key to effective weight loss and this is much easier to do in a swim spa thanks to the buoyancy of the water.
  • Rehabilitation for the older generation. If you’re struggling with pain or mobility, working out in a swim spa can help you to continue physical activity when it may otherwise be difficult. Plus there are lots of swim spa features - such as a support bar - that make this easier.


Yes, you can actually work out in a swim spa - and for many people it might actually be the preferable choice. As a family-operated business encompassing two generations, we have over 50 years of combined experience selling and servicing hot tubs, swim spas, pools, saunas, gazebos and steam rooms. We love what we do because we love the lifestyle that comes with owning a luxurious hot tub or swim spa. Get in contact with a member of the team today to explore our range of fantastic products.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.