Our guide to hot tubs for beginners

There are lots of different elements to consider when it comes to getting a hot tub, including where you’re going to place it to enjoy the best views and what kind of accessories you need to really get the most from it. Care and maintenance of your hot tub are topics that tend to get less attention but which are equally important. This is our basic guide to care and maintenance of hot tubs for beginners.

Choose your sanitiser

Any hot tub owner knows that it’s essential to treat a hot tub regularly with a sanitiser so that it’s a healthy environment, free from bacteria. Any warm place can be a hotbed of bacteria so it’s essential that you treat your hot tub with sanitiser to keep it clean, fresh and bacteria-free. You can choose from a number of different sanitisers, the main two being bromine or chlorine. If you’re looking for a faster acting sanitiser that leaves the water clear then chlorine tablets or granules are the best choice. For a sanitiser with a slightly softer smell, opt for bromine. You’ll need to regularly test the levels of sanitiser in your hot tub - you can do this every few days if the hot tub is getting frequent use.

Check the PH regularly

PH testing will show you whether the water in the hot tub is alkaline or acidic. If the PH is too low you may find you have problems with corrosion and the water could irritate your eyes and skin. If it’s too high then you may get cloudy water, irritation issues and a scale build up. PH levels should ideally be kept within 7.2 and 7.4.

Weekly shock treatments

Use a non-chlorine treatment in your hot tub once a week to “shock” clean it. This will remove the organic compounds that can be left in the water by humans, such as dead skin cells and oils. It will also break down chloramines and help to kill bacteria.

Change the water frequently

You will need to completely change the water in your hot tub from time to time to keep it fresh. How often you need to do this will depend on how much use the hot tub is getting but for most people it’s every three or four months. Before you refill the tub it’s a good idea to clean down the surfaces to remove any substances that might be lurking there.

Clearing the filters

The last key area for beginners is the filters - this is also one of the most important maintenance jobs because if filters aren’t clean they can restrict water flow and the hot tub will shut down completely. There are a number of different ways you can clean filters, from using a spray to soaking them in a bucket overnight with a cleaning solution.

Even if you’re a newbie hot tub owner there are still some basics that you need to get right. Our hot tub guide for beginners will help to ensure that you do.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.