Top 10 reasons to using your sauna this winter

Winter can be a wonderful season, full of fun and celebrations and an end of term feel. However, it’s also a time of year when we can feel grumpy and anxious and illness and physical discomfort can be frequent. With a sauna you can really make the most of the season, no matter how it usually affects you.

  1. Improve physical ailments. From a sore throat to a blocked nose, spending some time in your sauna can help to improve many of the minor ailments of winter.
  2. Get warm and defrost. The cold can get right into your bones and joints in winter and it can feel hard to get warm. The heat of a sauna is incredibly effective, seeping deep into your muscles and through your system to help you feel toasty again.
  3. Sleep better. Poor sleep can impact everything, from the way that you feel to how productive you are. Regular sauna sessions have been found to boost cell activity and improve both the quantity and quality of sleep.
  4. Give yourself a detox. Sweating is the body’s most effective way to remove toxins from the system and help to keep yourself healthy, inside and out. Whether you’ve been indulging in festive food or just spending too much time sitting indoors, a sauna is a great way to help give your system a detoxing boost.
  5. Looking after your skin. Winter is the time year when many of us are prone to dry skin and chapped lips. A sauna can help to bring back areas of the body that are suffering, providing moisture to help restore a healthy glow.
  6. Relax. It’s difficult to switch off at this time of year, especially with the constant news cycle keeping us informed about the latest COVID-19 developments. Take time out in your sauna and you’ll find it much easier to switch off. The heat relaxes you physically and you’ll get a rush of endorphins that will help to boost your mood.
  7. Festive fun. Share your sauna with other members of your household and make it a sociable event that brings connection as well as all the physical benefits.
  8. Give yourself a space that’s all yours. If your home feels overcrowded and noisy right now, or you just want somewhere to get away from devices and the pressure of life, the sauna is the perfect place to do it. The warm atmosphere will help you to wind down and phones and tablets must be left outside.
  9. Give your body an immune boost. Regular time in a sauna improves circulation and has a general boosting effect on the immune system, improving the health of organs and helping to keep sickness at bay.
  10. Use the time to plan. If you feel like you don’t have much headspace to think about the future then you could find this in the warm, dark calm of the sauna. Sit back, relax and wait for the inspiration to come as the heat relaxes your body and opens your mind.

Using your sauna in the winter has all these benefits and more.

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.