Nifty Exercises to Perform in Your Swim Spa

Your swim spa will bring you countless hours of fun and entertainment, but it can also be used to optimize your health and keep you fit, and there are some really great water exercises for this!

Not only are water exercises a lot of fun, but they can be performed by almost any age group depending on their personal requirements and level of activity.

Warm Up:

As with any exercise regime, there should always be a warm up period when you get your body ready for the more rigorous activity to come. Allow yourself to sink down into the water, and just focus on moving your arms and legs about while you remain in the same spot.

Tread on the Spot:

Depending on your level of fitness, you may want to squat down and start moving your legs as if you were riding a bike. If this is a bit too much to start with, start by walking on the spot and work up to running. You will find that the strain on your muscles is reduced compared to walking or running on land due to the buoyancy of the water.

Into the Swim:

Now you are going to enjoy the benefits of the stretching that comes with the different strokes of swimming. To give yourself a good workout, try a few different swimming techniques. The doggie paddle will give your upper body a good workout, and the breast stroke will give both your arms and legs some good action. If you are going to try the side stroke, remember to do it equally for both sides.

Building Up Your Endurance:

Once you have mastered the basic exercises you will want to challenge yourself, and this is where the jets of your swim spa will really benefit you. You can control their speed and direction, so experiment with this so that you can increase your endurance each time you perform your water exercises.

For this type of exercise you can focus on different areas of your body. Use your arms to push against the current or walk against the current to strengthen your legs.

Cooling Down:

Just as you warmed up, you want to return your body to a relaxing state and let it readjust. You can use the same warming up exercises to do this. Aside from how great you feel about your accomplishments, you are definitely going to feel warm after your workout. One of the best parts is that you don't have to deal with all the perspiration that you would get from on-land exercise. You are going to feel refreshed from your swim spa exercises, and you didn't need a traditional pool to do it!

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The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.