Get your home summer ready with a new hot tub!

The daffodils are out, the days are getting longer and the seasons are beginning to shift towards the warmer months of the year. Spring and summer are the ideal time to get outside after the cold and grey of winter. If you’ve been hibernating from the weather since last autumn it’s time to start thinking about how to get your home – and yourself - summer ready. A new hot tub is the perfect way to do both.

Getting your home summer ready

A hot tub is the ideal summer accessory for your home – and with the hottest time of the year a few months away you still have time to find the perfect model for your property. Hot tubs have a lot of benefits in the summer, including:

  • A great alternative to a pool for properties with limited space
  • The ideal way to host summer parties with a difference
  • All the benefits of hydrotherapy – e.g. reducing anxiety and soothing tired muscles – all year round
  • Al fresco entertainment – getting everyone outside and into the fresh air when the weather is good
  • Somewhere to connect with family and friends – no phones allowed!

Getting yourself summer ready

Of course it’s not just your home that may need a bit of a reboot before the summer gets here. If you’ve spent the winter feeling sluggish and tired, wrapping up in big jumpers and generally preferring the sofa to getting out and being active then summer could be an intimidating prospect. A hot tub can help with this too, providing a very effective way to detox before it’s time to bare all in shorts and start revealing pale winter skin to the summer sun. Hot tubs can make you sweat, and sweating is the most powerful tool that our bodies have when it comes to removing toxins from the system. If you’re looking for an effective way to use your hot tub to get summer ready this is what we’d recommend:

Start with a scrub

Use a loofah or a body scrub – you can even make your own from brown sugar, olive oil and honey. The scrub will slough off any dead skin cells, allowing your skin to breathe and get the full benefits of a hot tub soak.

Jump in the tub

As you sit, your body temperature will start to rise and you’ll begin to sweat out all the winter toxins, renewing and refreshing your system and skin as you do so. Remember to drink plenty of water while you’re in the hot tub so that you stay hydrated.

Cool down

When you get out of the hot tub have a cool – or cold – shower to remove anything you’ve sweated out during your detox.

Whether you’re looking to revamp your home for summer – or start getting yourself ready for the warmer months of the year – a hot tub is a great option to help you do it. We can help you find the perfect tub now so that you’re summer-ready in plenty of time.

Get in touch with The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company today to find your perfect hot tub.

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About Us

The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company specialise in providing hot tubs, swim spas, pools and gazebos and have experience of over 50 years in this industry. We also offer servicing and post-sales care for all of our customers to make sure that our customers get the best out of their hot tub.